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Reforms in Valencia – Transform your home with GrupoDmh.es

Do you want to renovate your home in Valencia and give it a new modern and functional look? At Grupodmh.es, we are experts in all types of reforms, from small renovations to comprehensive large-scale projects. We are passionate about helping our clients make their reform projects a reality, and we do it with the highest quality, professionalism and commitment.

With more than 20 years of experience in the construction and renovation sector in Valencia, at Grupodmh.es we have carried out numerous projects with success and customer satisfaction. We work in collaboration with our clients from the beginning, listening to their needs and advising them to achieve the best results in their renovation project in Valencia.

Whether it is a comprehensive renovation of a home, a bathroom or kitchen renovation, or a commercial premises renovation, our team of highly trained and experienced professionals will take care of the entire process so that the final result is exactly what you are looking for. Our integral service includes the preparation of the design plans, the management of the necessary permits, the selection of the most suitable materials and the execution of the work.

At Grupodmh.es, we strive to use top quality materials and advanced technology to guarantee the highest quality in each renovation project in Valencia. In addition, our customer service is a priority, working at all times to ensure the satisfaction of our customers.

Among our renovation services in Valencia, we highlight:

  • Reformas integrales de viviendas: Desde la reforma de un piso completo hasta la reforma de una casa, nuestro equipo de profesionales altamente capacitados se encargará de todo el proceso para que el resultado final sea exactamente lo que buscas. Nos adaptamos a las necesidades y gustos de cada cliente, asesorándoles en cada momento del proceso.

In this type of reforms, changes in the distribution of spaces, kitchen reforms, bathrooms, rooms, electrical installations, plumbing, carpentry, among others, can be included. Our goal is for the client to feel comfortable and safe at home at all times, so we strive to achieve the best result in each project.

  • Reformas de baños y cocinas: Moderniza tus espacios más íntimos y funcionales con nuestras soluciones a medida. En Grupodmh.es, somos expertos en la renovación de baños y cocinas, utilizando materiales de alta calidad y las últimas tendencias en diseño para lograr resultados modernos y funcionales.

In bathroom renovations, we adapt to the needs of each client, offering tailor-made solutions in the choice of materials, distribution of spaces, changing the bathtub to a shower tray, installation of screens, change of toilets, among others.

In kitchen renovations, we work closely with the client to understand their needs and tastes, to achieve the best result in the choice of materials.

  • Instalaciones eléctricas y de fontanería: Renovamos y modernizamos tus instalaciones para garantizar la máxima eficiencia y seguridad. En Grupodmh.es, contamos con profesionales especializados en la instalación y renovación de instalaciones eléctricas y de fontanería, garantizando el mejor resultado en cada proyecto.
  • Pintura y decoración de interiores: Añadimos un toque personalizado y moderno a tus espacios con
  • Reformas de locales comerciales: ¿Necesitas renovar tu local comercial para atraer a más clientes y mejorar la experiencia de compra? En Grupodmh.es, también somos expertos en la renovación de locales comerciales, ya sea una tienda, restaurante o cualquier otro tipo de negocio.

We work in collaboration with our clients to understand their needs and objectives, and thus be able to design and execute a reform project that perfectly suits their business. We take care of the entire process, from the selection of the most appropriate materials to the execution of the work, to guarantee the success of the project.

  • Reformas de fachadas: ¿Quieres darle un nuevo aspecto a la fachada de tu edificio o vivienda? En Grupodmh.es también somos expertos en la renovación de fachadas, utilizando materiales de alta calidad y tecnología avanzada para lograr los mejores resultados.

We adapt to the needs of each client and the architectural style of the building, to achieve a modern and functional façade that attracts everyone's attention. In addition, we also take care of the rehabilitation of old buildings, guaranteeing the safety and comfort of the tenants.

At Grupodmh.es, we strive to be leaders in the renovation sector in Valencia, which is why we use the latest design trends, the highest quality materials and the most advanced technology to achieve the best results in each project.

If you are looking for a professional, committed team with experience in reforms in Valencia, do not hesitate to contact us at. We will offer you a personalized service adapted to your needs, to achieve maximum satisfaction in your renovation project in Valencia. Transform your home with us!
